Ways to Work with Me in 2024

Ways to Work with Me in 2024

(below is the Spectrum of Support --- a variety of events and experiences for the Marginalized Leader to use their leadership as a force for collective liberation)

Possibilities Pod Newsletter

I share weekly emails filled with stories, strategies and support to weave anti-oppression, healing and playfulness into WHO and HOW we lead

Sign up here!

Shaping Change Workbook

Use the principles and elements of Emergent Strategy to reflect on how you can shift your change-making so that it came be LESS hard (because you have clear direction), LESS alone (because you know how to increase your impact) + LESS forced (because you're working with how change actually happens).

Sign up here!

Feel Good Feedback Guide

Feedback is important but so much of it can be harmful or simply unhelpful. Learn how to give back that is more likely to be implemented because it's grounded in a trauma-aware, consent-based and generative lens.

Sign up here!

Sunday's are for Spirit

This is a space held on the last Sunday of the month to come together virtually. In the first half, we are engaging in a solo activity that involves speaking to, moving with or nurturing our Spirit. The later half is for reflection and questions.

Sign up here!

Mutual Exchange Call

This call is part research and part support offering. In the first 30 minutes, I will ask you questions about how self-doubt shows up in your leadership and life so I can improve my content and offers. In return, I'll offer you 30 minutes of coaching + consulting right after our chat to support you.

Sign up here!

Liberatory Leadership Labs

A monthly-ish space for Marginalized Leaders to experiment, play, question and practice what it means to lead from a place of liberation, not perfection.

Liberatory Leadership Labs are $25 USD.

Check out what topic I'm doing this month here!

Spark Session

This is a 60 minute coaching and consulting session via phone. Come with a specific leadership dilemma or decision so we can talk-through potential directions to move forward with authenticity and integrity. 

Spark Sessions are $175 USD.

Sign up here!


This is a 3 month, 1-to-1 coaching experience for BIPOC and Queer leaders who crave being their authentic selves and want to be able to speak up during crucial moments and meetings but their self-doubt keeps them silent and stagnant.

Together, we will develop the skills, support and spirit to build the self-trust needed to speak up powerfully and consistently.

Steady+Ready includes...

Six (6) coaching sessions scheduled on a biweekly basis

One (1) complimentary Human Design reading led by a WOC (to define your unique skills and talents)

Voxer Walkie Talkie app communication (outside of scheduled coaching sessions)

Below are my coaching rates for 3 months:

  • $600 USD (Pay in Full) OR $200/month if you are surviving financially [[this is the Solidarity Rate]]
  • $1,050 USD (Pay in Full) OR $350/month if you are financially comfortable [[this is the Full Rate]]
  • $1,500 USD (Pay in Full) OR $500/month if you are financially abundant and can share your access and wealth with others [[this is the Redistribution Rate]]

💸Interest-free, payment plan options available + encouraged 💸

Apply here!

Values-Aligned Action

This is a 6 month, 1-to-1 coaching experience for BIPOC + Queer leaders (in 9-5’s or self-employment) who are experiencing perfectionism, conflict avoidance and a sense of urgency so deeply that it’s getting in the way of their liberatory efforts and energy.

Together, we will develop the skills, support and spirit needed to show up in a way that is intentional, sustainable and congruent with your liberatory values.

Values-Aligned Action includes...

Twelve (12) coaching sessions scheduled on a biweekly basis

One (1) Values Audit + Rubric (to identify, define and align values with actions) 

Voxer Walkie Talkie app communication (outside of scheduled coaching sessions)

Below are my coaching rates for 6 months:

  • $1,200 USD (Pay in Full) OR $200/month if you are surviving financially [[this is the Solidarity Rate]]
  • $2,100 USD (Pay in Full) OR $350/month if you are financially comfortable [[this is the Full Rate]]
  • 3,000 USD (Pay in Full) OR $500/month if you are financially abundant and can share your access and wealth with others [[this is the Redistribution Rate]]

💸Interest-free, payment plan options available + encouraged 💸

Learn more about the experience here!

Apply here!

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